
Showing posts from 2023

How to Eliminate One Bad Habit at a time

  Why is it so difficult to break our bad habits? This is especially frustrating when it comes to the habits that stand in the way of accomplishing our dreams. The best of intentions seem to be defeated on a regular basis. Life doesn't have to work this way, however. Nearly everyone has a behavioral demon. Whether it's eliminating our debt, getting healthier, or to stop drinking or smoking, there's always that one challenge we can't seem to beat. In many cases, the answer is quite simple, yet most people lack awareness of it: We simply don't handle our stress and boredom in an effective and healthy manner. Many of our bad habits are simply ways that we've learned to deal with being stressed or bored. It would be great if someone had taught us how to deal with these negative feelings, unfortunately, most of our parents weren't taught either. How many of these essentially worthless behaviors do you partake in on a regular basis? 1. Internet surfing 2. Eating j


AFRIQ ARBITRAGE SYSTEM is a digital currency service platform that uses high frequency trading and algorithms to automatically buy digital currencies at lower prices and sell them at higher prices to generate returns. Thus, the AAS platform places automated transaction orders for investors and pays them return on investment (ROI). AAS exchange provides intelligent high-frequency transaction services to users all over the world. In the high-frequency transaction mode of AAS, whether the market is bullish or bearish on the one hand or is stable or has large fluctuations on the other hand, as long as there is a matching transaction, there must be a price difference. Therefore, this small difference between buy and sell orders in milliseconds is swiftly collected and processed by the high-frequency technology, ensuring stable profits for customers all day long. As a model focused on digital currency and high-frequency transactions, AAS has built a world-class digital exchange that has